Everywhere you see the steel structure and poles supporting our modern civilization, all have proceeded with galvanization or a similar process. Without galvanization, steel is “naked” in the air and they’re like bread and are eaten a bit and a bit by oxidization in the air.
Hot dip galvanized steel poles are cheap, the cost is lower than stainless steel poles. Costs will be stupendously down to proceed with steel to shapes and structures then dip it in the zinc pool for galvanization compared with proceed with structures and shapes with stainless steel.
Your product will be rubbish if it rusts in the air, it is potentially dangerous to people and detrimental to the surrounding buildings and environment. Galvanization is a process to prevent your product from turning into rubbish by air, it puts skin on the product to make it not only look nicer and smooth but also create a wall to prevent oxidization attacks from the environment.
Galvanized steel poles in power transmission are extremely important when it relate to high voltage over long distances. People won’t want the poles to be used for a year and replaced frequently, people won’t want the poles to be rusted and fall to cause damage to people and buildings, and people won’t want the poles to hurt people and cause their lives. With hot dip galvanized poles, people can use the poles safely for over 30 years surely it avoids the huge cost that would cost a leg by repeatedly replacing them with new poles.
Compared with other non-rusting materials, people also have the choice of aluminum. Aluminum poles are also widely used especially in lighting, they can be nicely shaped in curved structures and smooth on the surface, however, they have lower strength than steel poles, and the cost is astoundingly high.
So what would you choose concerns strength, durability, and cost? Galvanized steel poles tend to be the most popular choice.