It's always no late to stop doing crime now, for a better future for yourself and those who matter in your heart!!
Spoofing emails are the spammers sending the emails pretending to be your suppliers or customers, the spammers using the same email address your suppliers or customers use, normally if you don’t understand this mechanism, you’ll be fooled.
Spoofing emails could harm the business relations between your suppliers, customers, and business partners. If you received emails from your business partners that contain viruses, or on biased or distorted opinions, you are 100% sure they have been the victims of spoofing email spammers.
Your partners won’t send spoofing emails to you as it causes harm to themselves. Spoofing emails are sent from companies or private hackers in the smallest percentage as it will bring benefit to themselves. For example, it will benefit security companies as people will buy their software, and it will benefit B2B platforms, and certification companies as spoofing emails are causing distrust between suppliers and buyers so they could use their platform. Every year, billions of money are spent to solve distrust, not on the product to solve solutions.